Finect Alpha 2×39
What to change in portfolios after hurricanes 'central banks' and elections? What changes have we made with portfolios as a result of all these events? What should we look for from now on especially: Inflation? [...]
What to change in portfolios after hurricanes 'central banks' and elections? What changes have we made with portfolios as a result of all these events? What should we look for from now on especially: Inflation? [...]
In an environment of falling rates, new opportunities are opening up. According to Conrado La Roche Riesgo, Head of Fund Analysis and Selection at DPM Finanzas EAF, this change may be the boost that underdogs [...]
DPM Finanzas has joined the board of directors of ASEAFI with the aim of representing those investment services firms that defend and provide exclusively independent financial advice. We share ASEAFI interview with Carlos Farrás (our [...]