Our managing partners, Carlos Farrás Fernández and Alfonso Valdivielso Martínez, participated in an interview on Radio Intereconomía, where crucial issues on independent financial advice were addressed.
What is independent financial advice: A transparent and objective approach that puts clients’ needs first, without being tied to specific products.
Key benefits: Informed decisions, personalization of strategies, and a relationship based on trust and transparency.
DPM Finance Model: An innovative model that has proven to be highly beneficial for investors, providing solutions adapted to each profile and financial objective.
More than 10 years of experience: More than a decade of helping our clients achieve their financial goals successfully and consolidating our position as a leader in independent advice.
Don’t miss this interesting conversation.
Listen to the full interview and find out how DPM Finanzas EAF can help you manage and maximise your investments independently and effectively.
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